Friday, 27 May 2011

Yellowstone Winter in Spring

The snow here is unbelievable. The drifts in Hayden Valley still remain 20 plus feet in various areas. it has been snowing the last 2 days straight and more is on the way tomorrow. The mountain snows in Wyoming and Montana are quite awesome and i truly don't mind. Mo is taking to the mountains as I knew he would. Great new smells for him to follow and all kinds on interesting poop to sniff. He has founf wold scat and follwed bear tracks and seems to be having a blast. I have been working hard and am beginning to look over my programs which start next week. I'm anxious to get started with them. They are by far my most favorite part of being a ranger. I haven't been out doing too much photography but have managed to capture some great moments in a few short weeks. I spent a good while with a wonderful grizzly sow and her cub of the year. take a look at the pics I've posted and you will understand why I am drawn here year after year. It's been a tough winter for Bison and elk so our wolves are enjoying the left vers from the winter buffet. I hope all of you are well and I will continue to drop you all a note regarding my 'summer' ( I have to laugh) as it unfolds.

Happy Trails,

1 comment:

  1. great pictures Gar! Love the mama and cub!!
    Enjoy your "summer", you apparently have a lot thicker skin than me!! :)


Bear Bonding

Mama and Baby

Mama and Baby

Portrait of Mama

Spring in Yellowstone

Yellowstone Lake

Wild Mustangs

Wild Mustangs